One of the best decisions I’ve made for home organization is turning a spare room into a walk in closet. These how to posts are also the most read posts ever on this blog. I’ve been asked several times recently on Instagram how I organize my clothes so I’m bringing these posts back in hopes it will help inspire some ideas for closet organization. I realize not everyone has an extra room to transform into closet space, but these posts include other handy and thrifty tips for closet organization.
To see how I organize my shoes, clothes, and accessories, read Part I here and Part II here.
A few key takeaways:
- I follow the ‘one in, one out’ rule. For every purchase I make, I try to get rid of something.
- I never have more clothes than hangers. I haven’t purchased new hangers in two years.
- If I can’t wear it at least three ways or to three different places, I probably won’t buy it.
- I don’t thrift things just because they cost $1. They have to be practical and functional pieces.
- Hang pants by folding over, not by waist
- Invest in no slip velvet hangers
- Organize clothes by style, then color
- Hang necklaces using belt racks or hooks
- Use velvet scarf hangers for scarves
- Keep all like items together (that goes for accessories, too)
- Use clothes pins to keep your boots standing up straight.
Be sure to click on Part I and Part II above for tons of closet organization tips.