Blueberry Honey Yogurt Popsicles

Being without a laptop for over a week forced me into an unplanned blogging break but I happily spent my time painting, reading, and making these delicious popsicles. I usually have plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and agave syrup so I decided to turn my breakfast into a tasty cold summer treat.

What you need:
2 cups plain Greek yogurt
1 cup blueberries
Honey or agave to taste

What you need to do:
Mix yogurt and honey / agave in a bowl
Fold in blueberries
Scoop mixture into popsicles molds (I just use small round glasses)
Insert popsicle sticks
Freeze for a few hours or overnight
To remove, stick mold in a bowl with warm water for 30 seconds and pull straight out, don’t move it side to side.

Enjoy your summer!


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