Baked Apples

In an effort to moderate my dessert intake, I wanted to make something that reminded me of pie without the delicious fattening ingredients.  I got a few ideas from my friend Shanie, a Weight Watchers recipe, and endless results on Pinterest but decided to just make my own version because I couldn’t quite find exactly what I was looking for. The warm / cold combination from the apples and ice cream is just heavenly. It’s pretty much apple pie without the crust. You can make this in the microwave but I’ve found it tastes better when prepared in the oven.  Plus, the cinnamon will make your house smell amazing! I always tell my friends that the apples are ready as soon as you start smelling the cinnamon. The best part is that you can make as little or as many apples as you’d like!

What you need: makes 2 servings
2 apples, any variety will work
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon brown sugar
Low fat vanilla ice cream (optional)

What you need to do:

Preheat oven to 400F
Spray a pie pan with cooking spray
Slice apples
Add spices and sugar
Place in pan
Cover with aluminum foil
Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Check on apples. They are ready when they’re soft ( and when you can smell the cinnamon)




Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy with a loved one (after they take a picture of you).


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