My “pandemic project” is complete!
My antsy mind needed a colorful creative outlet over the summer after coming out of lockdown so I decided to fill this space in my kitchen with a rainbow!
The rules I set for myself : don’t spend more than $1 on each and I had to stop buying once this space was filled. (There are additional colors on the ledge that didn’t fit in the photo)
Finding them was easy (except for orange, that color was hard to find!) Every time I’d go to a thrift store I’d pop over to the housewares to see what I could find. Shout out to the stores that organize their housewares by color!
Thrift tip: Vases of all shapes, colors, and sizes are A THRIFT STORE STAPLE. Thrift stores are busting with them.
My family teases me about this project all the time, maybe because I force them all to tell me which one is their favorite ?
The truth is it makes me smile every morning and life is so boring without color ?
Did you start a “pandemic project?”