What is the 12 Months of Thrifting Challenge?
The goal of the challenge is to help you add a “dash of thrift” to your outfits using 12 themes that you can easily find at secondhand stores.

How to join
Save or take a screen shot of the schedule.
Use the schedule to shop for a specific prompt at secondhand stores. It can be locally, online, clothing swaps, whatever – as long as it’s secondhand. Better yet, shop your own closet for these items you already own them!
Listen to the podcast, read the blog, or check IG and Facebook each month for styling and thrifting tips.
Share your outfits and finds with us on social using #12MonthsofThrifting
Use this schedule as an inspirational tool and not as a strict guide.
Don’t feel pressured to buy something you don’t want to buy.
Add these items to a running thrift list and don’t give up because you couldn’t find something right away (you probably won’t)
Shop your closet if you already own these items
Explore different ways to wear secondhand (online, borrow, clothing swaps, locally, ) but don’t buy or wear something you don’t love
Share your finds with @dinasdays and #12MonthsofThrifting
Relax and have fun
Thanks, It’s Thrifted is a podcast about secondhand shopping hosted by two treasure-hunting friends, Dina & Shannon. Subscribe today. For more about the podcast visit dinasdays.com/podcast.