One of the first questions I get asked when people find out about my thrift blog is what’s the best thing you’ve ever found at a thrift store? It’s always so hard to narrow it down. For years, I would joke and say that’s like asking me to choose a favorite child – until I found this coat. I can now respond, without any reservations, that this Plenty by Tracy Reese coat is the best thrift store purchase I’ve ever made. It’s a thick cozy coat that keeps my neck warm, stretches to hug every curve, and only cost $18. It’s a well made coat and is still available online for $340.
Update! After I posted this blog, a friend of mine sent me a picture of this coat in Orange is the New Black. Check it out here!
The Details
Plenty by Tracy Reese coat | Village Discount Outlet | $18
Shoes | Goodwill Waterloo | $2